Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Most Unwanted Song

Here's the funniest music story I've heard in a while ... a segment on the radio show "This American Life" about two artists who have deliberately tried to create the "Most Unwanted Song in the World" by combining musical elements that many people despise. As determined by surveys. For example, many people say they hate tubas, and many people say they hate opera, and many people say they hate rap. So, a tuba-opera-rap song should be worst of all, right?

The more I listen to the Most Unwanted Song, the more I like it! It's got a weird kind of anti-charisma.

The "This American Life" podcast episode: (the part about Most Unwanted art is in the second half):
You can also go straight to the artists' own website and purchase the full song, but the This American Life has hilarious interviews & is much cheaper - though it doesn't have the entire song, just snippets of it. (People generally prefer short songs, so of course the Most Unwanted Song is quite long.)

PS the song's actually over ten years old - but for some inexplicable reason it was not a smash hit, so I hadn't heard it before.


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